




                                                                              (a battle plan)









  So I hopped up                             Next, she began.

  to this corner,                              I watched her go

  drew my 2nd O                             with her 1st X

  at the top . . .                               overhead.









    Then I slid right                           I started here,                         But I

    ...And that/s   down to here,         the way        with my 1st O.       I won        O'd her       the war!!!    

   for the 3rd time                           "It's your turn                          one more:

                           made an O.                                  now," I said.                            4!!!...        








    She said, "Oh! O!                                                                        . . . No one had   

    Your plan is clear!”                                                                    to warn her;

    And her 3rd X                                                                              her 2nd X            

    blocked my row.                                                                         made me stop.







     I started made my first owe --oh, lutely of,        but
h                 ene
 oh'd her one mo re rou (ad wah

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